I have decided to do something bei1 bi4 wu2 chi3 xia4 liu2 xia4 jian4 zhi4 jian4 - yep, the ai ru chao shui man from chinese high=) - by copying the posts that I had written in TMB and PTW's blogs since I arrived in France to LeChye.
I've done a count and I've posted ard 10 posts since I was here. That's like a post in 4 days, which is as prolific as the scoring rate of Cisse when he was in Liverpool, which doesn't quite say a lot.
Anyway, a few ctrl Cs and Vs later, my blog would have an influx of posts that would allow my blog to surpass the total number of posts on Weijie's blog even though his blog was set up like more than a month ago. Not a bad record for a blog that received its first writing just one day ago. Weird that I'm finding myself happy over such an insignifant thing...haha...
I understand that keeping a blog is like running a marathon. I was a finisher (with reference to the Standard Charter's marathon finisher t-shirt) and I had thought I am finished with the marathon thing for life. Now, I'm embarking on another and I hope I can last the distance of 2 years.
After which, le chye returns to ah chye.
Ok, nuff said. Going to beibi-ly ctrl c and v.
I've done a count and I've posted ard 10 posts since I was here. That's like a post in 4 days, which is as prolific as the scoring rate of Cisse when he was in Liverpool, which doesn't quite say a lot.
Anyway, a few ctrl Cs and Vs later, my blog would have an influx of posts that would allow my blog to surpass the total number of posts on Weijie's blog even though his blog was set up like more than a month ago. Not a bad record for a blog that received its first writing just one day ago. Weird that I'm finding myself happy over such an insignifant thing...haha...
I understand that keeping a blog is like running a marathon. I was a finisher (with reference to the Standard Charter's marathon finisher t-shirt) and I had thought I am finished with the marathon thing for life. Now, I'm embarking on another and I hope I can last the distance of 2 years.
After which, le chye returns to ah chye.
Ok, nuff said. Going to beibi-ly ctrl c and v.
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