Posted a day after birthday.
I spent my birthday watching 27 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist. It should have been 31 so that I could set a new record of watching 10 hours straight of anime, with intervals just for lunch and dinner. However, I faltered at the last hurdle and slept at 1 plus am. I probably could have tahan through the last 4 episodes ydy night but in all honesty, they deserved a fully-awaken me to appreciate the ending, so I took to bed and woke up this morning to finish watching them. Wasn't gg to do another Old Boy=)
Full Metal Alchemist is a story abt the Law of Conservation and the Law of Equivalent Trade. The central idea is that in order to gain something, you have to sacrifice something of the same amount. The alchemists attained special powers based on the above laws. The ending of FMA kind of questions the validity of the laws, which are much similar to the fundamental law of physics that we are so used to. It questions if the conservation law replicates itself in life. It's like yi fen gen yun, yi fen shou huo, something I constantly reminded myself during Chinese High days, especially when I had to memorize for the C lit tests. If I study for another half an hour, then I'll get another mark more...haha...that was how I used to spur myself to study. It's comforting to know that your efforts will not go wasted.
Birthday this year was special because it wasn't special. No one within a 100 km knew that it was my birthday and I was spared the anticipation of how people would celebrate the birthday for me. It is almost an obligation to be happy when people celebrate your birthday for you. I am most happy when I am not obliged to. I also think that 22nd July is more special for my mother than for me because it reminds her of both the pain and joy she went through in delivering me. I can't even remember myself crying on that day of 1983 and I find no great significance in commemorating the day I enter Earth. Maybe next year you guys should direct the Happy Birthday messages to my mother instead.
I have finally finished the xiang1 si1 mei2s. The last piece was devoured yesterday. I believe the next time I eat one again, it would conjure up many bittersweet memories of Paris and home. Thank you, number 6.

Even though I have expressed a certain amount of dread for my birthday, the wishes on the tagboard are very much appreicated. Do keep them coming in next year...2 msges, 1 for me and 1 for the mother=)
I spent my birthday watching 27 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist. It should have been 31 so that I could set a new record of watching 10 hours straight of anime, with intervals just for lunch and dinner. However, I faltered at the last hurdle and slept at 1 plus am. I probably could have tahan through the last 4 episodes ydy night but in all honesty, they deserved a fully-awaken me to appreciate the ending, so I took to bed and woke up this morning to finish watching them. Wasn't gg to do another Old Boy=)
Full Metal Alchemist is a story abt the Law of Conservation and the Law of Equivalent Trade. The central idea is that in order to gain something, you have to sacrifice something of the same amount. The alchemists attained special powers based on the above laws. The ending of FMA kind of questions the validity of the laws, which are much similar to the fundamental law of physics that we are so used to. It questions if the conservation law replicates itself in life. It's like yi fen gen yun, yi fen shou huo, something I constantly reminded myself during Chinese High days, especially when I had to memorize for the C lit tests. If I study for another half an hour, then I'll get another mark more...haha...that was how I used to spur myself to study. It's comforting to know that your efforts will not go wasted.
Birthday this year was special because it wasn't special. No one within a 100 km knew that it was my birthday and I was spared the anticipation of how people would celebrate the birthday for me. It is almost an obligation to be happy when people celebrate your birthday for you. I am most happy when I am not obliged to. I also think that 22nd July is more special for my mother than for me because it reminds her of both the pain and joy she went through in delivering me. I can't even remember myself crying on that day of 1983 and I find no great significance in commemorating the day I enter Earth. Maybe next year you guys should direct the Happy Birthday messages to my mother instead.
I have finally finished the xiang1 si1 mei2s. The last piece was devoured yesterday. I believe the next time I eat one again, it would conjure up many bittersweet memories of Paris and home. Thank you, number 6.

Even though I have expressed a certain amount of dread for my birthday, the wishes on the tagboard are very much appreicated. Do keep them coming in next year...2 msges, 1 for me and 1 for the mother=)
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