Disclaimer: Disclaimer usually appears at the end of an article but I'm putting one before you began reading. What I had written is merely a thought. I'll be grateful if you do not take me for a creep after reading the post. And please do not ever emulate what I have written because you will freak me out.
Yeejia and I skyped this French afternoon. We had a really long conversation because she had met an intriguing mutual friend of ours today for dinner, which got us started discussing our friend's unusual sexual orientation. Bay-si-ke-ly (yaohui's style), in our friend's own words, he's a lesbian entrapped in a man's body. But that's beside the point of the post.
We moved on to talk abt religion and during one 'arugument' regarding a conflicting opinion, in order to prove my point, I revealed to her the morbid-est thought I had ever had so far in my life, which I will be telling you soon. I soon learnt that to share your morbid thoughts with your girlfriend is a grave mistake. Upon hearing it, I think she almost teared ((because she returned on screen (we were using webcam) with a tissue paper)) and it prompted her worried enough to send me an sms after our conversation not to mention that morbid thought ever again.
The morbid thought: Last semester, during some lecture where I was sitting behind in the lecture theatre, I thought abt leaving the LT and jumped off the building. Yes, commit suicide.
The idea why I would do so is not because I am upset over a small penis or I am too stressed. I just thought that the idea of a perfectly normal 23 years old - whatever crap is perfectly normal - taking his own life without leaving behind any explanation would make for sensational news headlines and leave an eternal mysterious legacy behind. You guys would be interviewed by the press and will offer your opinions on what might have drove me to such extremes. The story would become sort of an urban legend in NUS and the LT would be use for future fright nights.
But of course, I would never jump. I would not jump even if you jump. Unless we have a chute on our backs.
I am scensical - as opposed to nonsensical - and considerate enough to not allow my family and friends to go through an emotional trauma of losing someone who took his own life, and who did not even leave behind an explanation of his departure.
I wouldn't do it but I believe someone crazy enough would do it one day. Or maybe someone crazy enough had already done it before. The reason why this thought was conjured was because I wanted to show that if someone knew that his death would bring him eternal fame, he might choose to die despite the pain. I might have, but being the after-23-years-I-think-I'm-seriously-never-gg-to-become-legendary me, I wouldn't. In any case, I wouldn't be able to rise from my tomb 7 days later.
Maybe it's 1 oldboy 2 killbills too much that had encouraged the morbid thought to manifest. To demortify, I shall abstain from this genre of films for now even though it would be hard resisting sloting the Pulp Fiction dvd into my laptop.
Anyway, grateful if you don't copy and paste this post anywhere else - not that there's any reason why you would - in case MOE thinks I'm a nutcase and terminates my award or some people think I'm blasphemous for bringing up the unoriginal idea that JC was crazy.
To recap, as a teacher always should at the start of a class, or I would at the end of this post: Morbidden ideas are forbidden for girlfriends. Save your worst for your best friends.
Yeejia and I skyped this French afternoon. We had a really long conversation because she had met an intriguing mutual friend of ours today for dinner, which got us started discussing our friend's unusual sexual orientation. Bay-si-ke-ly (yaohui's style), in our friend's own words, he's a lesbian entrapped in a man's body. But that's beside the point of the post.
We moved on to talk abt religion and during one 'arugument' regarding a conflicting opinion, in order to prove my point, I revealed to her the morbid-est thought I had ever had so far in my life, which I will be telling you soon. I soon learnt that to share your morbid thoughts with your girlfriend is a grave mistake. Upon hearing it, I think she almost teared ((because she returned on screen (we were using webcam) with a tissue paper)) and it prompted her worried enough to send me an sms after our conversation not to mention that morbid thought ever again.
The morbid thought: Last semester, during some lecture where I was sitting behind in the lecture theatre, I thought abt leaving the LT and jumped off the building. Yes, commit suicide.
The idea why I would do so is not because I am upset over a small penis or I am too stressed. I just thought that the idea of a perfectly normal 23 years old - whatever crap is perfectly normal - taking his own life without leaving behind any explanation would make for sensational news headlines and leave an eternal mysterious legacy behind. You guys would be interviewed by the press and will offer your opinions on what might have drove me to such extremes. The story would become sort of an urban legend in NUS and the LT would be use for future fright nights.
But of course, I would never jump. I would not jump even if you jump. Unless we have a chute on our backs.
I am scensical - as opposed to nonsensical - and considerate enough to not allow my family and friends to go through an emotional trauma of losing someone who took his own life, and who did not even leave behind an explanation of his departure.
I wouldn't do it but I believe someone crazy enough would do it one day. Or maybe someone crazy enough had already done it before. The reason why this thought was conjured was because I wanted to show that if someone knew that his death would bring him eternal fame, he might choose to die despite the pain. I might have, but being the after-23-years-I-think-I'm-seriously-never-gg-to-become-legendary me, I wouldn't. In any case, I wouldn't be able to rise from my tomb 7 days later.
Maybe it's 1 oldboy 2 killbills too much that had encouraged the morbid thought to manifest. To demortify, I shall abstain from this genre of films for now even though it would be hard resisting sloting the Pulp Fiction dvd into my laptop.
Anyway, grateful if you don't copy and paste this post anywhere else - not that there's any reason why you would - in case MOE thinks I'm a nutcase and terminates my award or some people think I'm blasphemous for bringing up the unoriginal idea that JC was crazy.
To recap, as a teacher always should at the start of a class, or I would at the end of this post: Morbidden ideas are forbidden for girlfriends. Save your worst for your best friends.
dont be dumb everyone has entertained such thoughts before. seriously.sometiems im in a shopping centre or a high rise building and i wonder what wld happpen if i jumped off.its not morbid. its normal.
lynn., at 7:15 AM
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