Manpooris I
I really shouldn't be posting but studying for my mechanics test next wednesday. But then again, I shouldn't have watched Prison Break episode 9 and 10 season 2 just few moments ago. For now, I can't help but do anything that has nothing to do with mechanics.
Anyway, I know Guan's looking to download Break and since there's this PTP thing at my residence and I've found a user with every episode of Break from season 1 to 2, I will upload them on yousendit soon. But not so soon...till NUS people have finished their exams and till Guan's done with his 5 papers. I hope this proclamation of envisaged uploading doesn't land me in trouble.
I read this afternoon on straitstimes that some guy in singapore got into trouble for illegally accessing someone else's home wireless. My sympathies go out to him because I used to parasite on others' wireless too. Anyway, that suay fella is facing 3 years behind bar. He's now out on bail and if I were him, I'll go get tattos done and attempt to do a Changi Break.
I haven't written anything bout the trip since I was back but I believe pictures of Guan would have revealed quite a bit.
Anyway, one of the most enjoyable moments of the trip, I would say, was our picnic in the garden of Versailles. We brought along baguette, biscottes, ham and cheese, completed with white wine and picard's rums and raisins ice cream. The weather that day was chilling but sunny, sky was clear...basically, we had perfect picnic conditions. There were people rowing in the little lake (or you might call it a big pond) beside us, there were swans (one of which could fly) in the lake and there were families or groups of friends having picnics all around. I'm trying to help you picture the scene at Versailles that day but I don't think it's quite working out. Anyway, it would have been a romantic date for any couple and the 2 of us having picnic there just seem a bit out of place. But I was too happily engaged in the food to be bothered by the absence of our partners=) Only thing that didn't turn out that nice that afternoon was that I paid 10 euros to enter the castle for the second time of my life but because I was xie (hanyu pinyin a bit off) from the wine, I couldn't follow the audioguide at all. So, that was 10euros mal spent.
That's a photo of me at Versailles by Guan with his converging trees effect.

And below is a photo we took with timer, which also has the converging trees effect, except that it wasn't intentional. See guan, nothing great about your converging trees effect.

That night, which was 4 november's night, we went to Eiffel. We deliberately dropped off at the La Motte Picquet Grenelle metro station - which wasn't the station most tourists would drop off if they were going to Eiffel - because I was told by my friend that you get the best view of Eiffel from this place called Ecole Militiare. So, we ended up walking like 10 min before we saw Eiffel and on our way there, we bought red wine. The view from Ecole Militiare was where I took the picture of guan and eiffel GIAPped between the wall of peace. We drank red wine as we approached the Eiffel, remembering every single ptwers as we advanced.

After crossing under Eiffel and while walking back to the Archi's Place, we realised that the best view of Eiffel was not exactly from Ecole Militiare. In fact, it's from this place called Trocadero. So, next time anybody comes France, go Trocadero, not Ecole Militiare, to see Eiffel. Below is a picture of us taken from Trocadero.

I'll leave the Liverpool/Manchester part of the trip for next week and I'll explain then why yaohui didn't see us on TV for the Liverpool-Bordeaux match. Was chye and guan in Anfield on 31st Oct? Were they part of the crowd that saw Liverpool demolished Bordeaux 3-0? To find out, qing3 ji4 xu4 zhui1 zhong1...Manpooris II=)
P.S. I have decided to name this trip Manpooris, by the same algorithm that the Cambodia-South-Vietnam trip was named Camsouviet. The theme song of the trip has been decided, without the consultation of Guan, to be Imagine by John Lennon. I must admit though that No Woman No Cry by Bob came in a close second.
P.S.2 Guan, I just watched the NoWomanNoCry video again. Think you got to show it to Amy by all means man. I'll sell the video to you at a discounted price of 5 sing dollars. Transfer the money to my POSB account and you'll have the video in your gmail account within 24 hours. Do consider.
P.S.3 Available at all megastores in Japan now.
Anyway, I know Guan's looking to download Break and since there's this PTP thing at my residence and I've found a user with every episode of Break from season 1 to 2, I will upload them on yousendit soon. But not so soon...till NUS people have finished their exams and till Guan's done with his 5 papers. I hope this proclamation of envisaged uploading doesn't land me in trouble.
I read this afternoon on straitstimes that some guy in singapore got into trouble for illegally accessing someone else's home wireless. My sympathies go out to him because I used to parasite on others' wireless too. Anyway, that suay fella is facing 3 years behind bar. He's now out on bail and if I were him, I'll go get tattos done and attempt to do a Changi Break.
I haven't written anything bout the trip since I was back but I believe pictures of Guan would have revealed quite a bit.
Anyway, one of the most enjoyable moments of the trip, I would say, was our picnic in the garden of Versailles. We brought along baguette, biscottes, ham and cheese, completed with white wine and picard's rums and raisins ice cream. The weather that day was chilling but sunny, sky was clear...basically, we had perfect picnic conditions. There were people rowing in the little lake (or you might call it a big pond) beside us, there were swans (one of which could fly) in the lake and there were families or groups of friends having picnics all around. I'm trying to help you picture the scene at Versailles that day but I don't think it's quite working out. Anyway, it would have been a romantic date for any couple and the 2 of us having picnic there just seem a bit out of place. But I was too happily engaged in the food to be bothered by the absence of our partners=) Only thing that didn't turn out that nice that afternoon was that I paid 10 euros to enter the castle for the second time of my life but because I was xie (hanyu pinyin a bit off) from the wine, I couldn't follow the audioguide at all. So, that was 10euros mal spent.
That's a photo of me at Versailles by Guan with his converging trees effect.

And below is a photo we took with timer, which also has the converging trees effect, except that it wasn't intentional. See guan, nothing great about your converging trees effect.

That night, which was 4 november's night, we went to Eiffel. We deliberately dropped off at the La Motte Picquet Grenelle metro station - which wasn't the station most tourists would drop off if they were going to Eiffel - because I was told by my friend that you get the best view of Eiffel from this place called Ecole Militiare. So, we ended up walking like 10 min before we saw Eiffel and on our way there, we bought red wine. The view from Ecole Militiare was where I took the picture of guan and eiffel GIAPped between the wall of peace. We drank red wine as we approached the Eiffel, remembering every single ptwers as we advanced.

After crossing under Eiffel and while walking back to the Archi's Place, we realised that the best view of Eiffel was not exactly from Ecole Militiare. In fact, it's from this place called Trocadero. So, next time anybody comes France, go Trocadero, not Ecole Militiare, to see Eiffel. Below is a picture of us taken from Trocadero.

I'll leave the Liverpool/Manchester part of the trip for next week and I'll explain then why yaohui didn't see us on TV for the Liverpool-Bordeaux match. Was chye and guan in Anfield on 31st Oct? Were they part of the crowd that saw Liverpool demolished Bordeaux 3-0? To find out, qing3 ji4 xu4 zhui1 zhong1...Manpooris II=)
P.S. I have decided to name this trip Manpooris, by the same algorithm that the Cambodia-South-Vietnam trip was named Camsouviet. The theme song of the trip has been decided, without the consultation of Guan, to be Imagine by John Lennon. I must admit though that No Woman No Cry by Bob came in a close second.
P.S.2 Guan, I just watched the NoWomanNoCry video again. Think you got to show it to Amy by all means man. I'll sell the video to you at a discounted price of 5 sing dollars. Transfer the money to my POSB account and you'll have the video in your gmail account within 24 hours. Do consider.
P.S.3 Available at all megastores in Japan now.
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