Qian post Huan post
18 more hours left to Salzburg.
I came up with a list of 'Things to do before ber-ing from Paris' during my econs lecture this morning but I have only successfully checked off five of the items. There's 7 more items left to be done and time is really running short. 6 of the hours remaining will have to go to sleeping and 4 hours to Lost season 2, Epsiode 15 to as much as possible.
I owe this blog a post after I boliaoing-ly boasted to kaiyuan that I would deliver a post on Wednesday. But there was to be no post on Wednesday because I was doing Episode 12 to Episode 14. And since I won't be back till New Year's Eve, I reckon I should really post something before leaving on my budget plane.
The first time in my life I witnessed snow falling was on the 26th Dec 2006. I was at Rambouillet, this little town to the south-west of Paris, whose only attraction point for tourists is this chateau where Jacque Chirac entertains his fellow heads-of-states once in a while, which isn't really that attractive. Thus, you usually won't find any non-french there unless they are on a french language immersion course, like my double degree friends and I this time last year.
Most of the photos I had of the trip was taken from my Indian friends on the programme with me since I hadn't gotten my lumix then. And since I don't have much inspiration of what to write, with my partying neighbours sending, for the past 15 minutes, the techno version of 'If you're going to San Francisco' through the walls to me, I shall just post the photos loh.

This is the language school where we were at. Super cool place that served us foie gras and other french delicacies on Christmas eve, and then the leftovers on Christmas. Those were the good days where days were spent attending very slack french classes and nights were spent playing bridge and drinking wine. Basically, duo4 luo4.

The town of Rambouillet.

This should be the chateau where Jacque Chirac receives his guests. Then again, it looks suspiciously like the Palais du Luxembourg near maison des mines....hmm...not very sure=)

That's 2 of the Indians playing table soccer at the basement of our school. There was this teacher at the school who's really zai at table soccer. He's probably good enough to qie4 the malaysian team who won the foosball competition which Jiahao and I 'memorably' went to watch at a pub in Shenton Way on valentine's day few years back.

A picture taken when we were at ENPC for interviews last year. They provided us with their 'textbooks', known as polys in France, to give us an impression of what we would be studying here. Of course, now I have all of these polys with me. The photo was named aptly by my friend, 'academic garbage'.

The indians with a tree.

Shangyi and I at Ecole Polytechnic, more commonly known as X in France. Shangyi's the brother of Shangyuan. He was super nice to us when we were at X for interviews, treating us to char shao fan and steamboat.

A super cool photo that the Indians took.

And finally, the double degree gang (missing Tim, Nhan and Vineet) in front of notre dame.
Going for language immersions is one of the best experiences anyone can ever have because they are free and classes are damn slack. Hmm...I probably should have told you guys this earlier because it seems a bit late now for most of you to pick up a language in NUS...haha...anyway it kinds of saddens me too that I won't be getting shot at a language immersion.
Time to get 'lost' !
16 hours 58 min left to Salzburg.
I came up with a list of 'Things to do before ber-ing from Paris' during my econs lecture this morning but I have only successfully checked off five of the items. There's 7 more items left to be done and time is really running short. 6 of the hours remaining will have to go to sleeping and 4 hours to Lost season 2, Epsiode 15 to as much as possible.
I owe this blog a post after I boliaoing-ly boasted to kaiyuan that I would deliver a post on Wednesday. But there was to be no post on Wednesday because I was doing Episode 12 to Episode 14. And since I won't be back till New Year's Eve, I reckon I should really post something before leaving on my budget plane.
The first time in my life I witnessed snow falling was on the 26th Dec 2006. I was at Rambouillet, this little town to the south-west of Paris, whose only attraction point for tourists is this chateau where Jacque Chirac entertains his fellow heads-of-states once in a while, which isn't really that attractive. Thus, you usually won't find any non-french there unless they are on a french language immersion course, like my double degree friends and I this time last year.
Most of the photos I had of the trip was taken from my Indian friends on the programme with me since I hadn't gotten my lumix then. And since I don't have much inspiration of what to write, with my partying neighbours sending, for the past 15 minutes, the techno version of 'If you're going to San Francisco' through the walls to me, I shall just post the photos loh.

This is the language school where we were at. Super cool place that served us foie gras and other french delicacies on Christmas eve, and then the leftovers on Christmas. Those were the good days where days were spent attending very slack french classes and nights were spent playing bridge and drinking wine. Basically, duo4 luo4.

The town of Rambouillet.

This should be the chateau where Jacque Chirac receives his guests. Then again, it looks suspiciously like the Palais du Luxembourg near maison des mines....hmm...not very sure=)

That's 2 of the Indians playing table soccer at the basement of our school. There was this teacher at the school who's really zai at table soccer. He's probably good enough to qie4 the malaysian team who won the foosball competition which Jiahao and I 'memorably' went to watch at a pub in Shenton Way on valentine's day few years back.

A picture taken when we were at ENPC for interviews last year. They provided us with their 'textbooks', known as polys in France, to give us an impression of what we would be studying here. Of course, now I have all of these polys with me. The photo was named aptly by my friend, 'academic garbage'.

The indians with a tree.

Shangyi and I at Ecole Polytechnic, more commonly known as X in France. Shangyi's the brother of Shangyuan. He was super nice to us when we were at X for interviews, treating us to char shao fan and steamboat.

A super cool photo that the Indians took.

And finally, the double degree gang (missing Tim, Nhan and Vineet) in front of notre dame.
Going for language immersions is one of the best experiences anyone can ever have because they are free and classes are damn slack. Hmm...I probably should have told you guys this earlier because it seems a bit late now for most of you to pick up a language in NUS...haha...anyway it kinds of saddens me too that I won't be getting shot at a language immersion.
Time to get 'lost' !
16 hours 58 min left to Salzburg.
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