I had my first haircut experience in France last Monday. The haircut was delivered by an Ethiopian for 9.50euros (that's about 20sing) and he cut my hair the way an African would want his hair cut. While no one told me directly that my haircut was ugly - most of the comments went along the line that 'if your girlfriend thinks it's ok, then it doesn't matter if the haircut is ugly what'. So yah, the haircut was ugly.
One of my Archi friends even commented that I reminded her of the African man who featured in the chen long's 1980s classic 'Once upon a time a crazy man in Hong Kong' (think the title is wrong but you probably have some idea which film I'm referring to right?). Anyway, I've kind of taken to my new hairstyle because I see ying mu (of book 16, slam dunk) each time I look in the mirror..haha... Too bad I do not not have a photo to show you all how I looked like one week back as I didn't take a photo of myself then. And there's no point posting a photo of myself now as a photo of myself now is different from a photo of myself one week back...duh... In any case, I'm just glad the Ethiopian barber didn't give me a hair like this...

haha...the most amusing photo of the month. Weijie, I didn't know teckghee is your idol loh...haha...
Yesterday, I went for this soirée held in one of the function rooms in school. A soirée is the equivalent of chiong. But yesterday's was special because we were supposed to find our 'family'. At ENPC, we have this programme called the 'parrainage' and it's like the angel and mortal game except that instead of being assigned a specific person as your angel or mortal, we are grouped into families.
Actually, at 8pm yesterday (the soirée started at 8.30), I was still hesitating if I should go for the soirée. I was down with sore throat and wasn't in the mood for socializing. Moreover, I thought it was going to be boring since I still do not know many of my french classmates yet. However, once again, it was in the toilet that I was enlightened. While shitting, I thought that if I were in Singapore, I would have gone for the soirée without second thoughts. And I'm a teacher-to-be, how can I be so anti-social? That was how I came to convince myself that I would go for the soirée.
The 'parrainage' soirée is alike the Sheares' initiation. In the name of obtaining clues to find out who our family members are, we got dumped in water, smeared with flour and dirtied by eggs. But unlike the hall initiation, there was also alcohol going around. In fact, plenty of alcohol.
Before the soirée started, we were each provided with a marker to write our room numbers on the back of our hands just in case anyone gets too drunk and needs help back to his/her room. Pails were strategically placed in the middle and at each corner of the room to facilitate puking. However, they didn't turn out to be too useful as puke still found their way onto the floor.
Anyway, I shan't go into full details of the soirée. Just that I returned at 11plus last night and was sober enough to talk to Yeejia on the phone...but can't remember any of our conversation by this morning=) And I'm glad I went for the soirée because I realise I still very much enjoy stupid orientation games.
Few weeks back, I wrote about Fox and IE. I suggested that both of them should come up with a type of bookmark which can alert you when your bookmarked websites or blogs have been updated. Apparently, fox already has such a type of bookmark and it's called the live bookmark. Guan has my blog on his live bookmark, which means that if I reply to him on my chatterbox, I will also have to blog a new post so that he sees that my blog has been updated and returns to view my reply on the chatterbox. So, guan, if you have missed my previous reply, the offer now is 4.50 for the video. Your Levi's belt is at my place now. It says it will see you in 2 years' time and that it will serve chye's waist faithfully for now. Send me my photos in Manchester and Liverpool asap!
Lastly, for those who haven't seen the ntu library clip yet, go see it here:
It's quite gao xiao...
Bonne weekend à tous!
One of my Archi friends even commented that I reminded her of the African man who featured in the chen long's 1980s classic 'Once upon a time a crazy man in Hong Kong' (think the title is wrong but you probably have some idea which film I'm referring to right?). Anyway, I've kind of taken to my new hairstyle because I see ying mu (of book 16, slam dunk) each time I look in the mirror..haha... Too bad I do not not have a photo to show you all how I looked like one week back as I didn't take a photo of myself then. And there's no point posting a photo of myself now as a photo of myself now is different from a photo of myself one week back...duh... In any case, I'm just glad the Ethiopian barber didn't give me a hair like this...

haha...the most amusing photo of the month. Weijie, I didn't know teckghee is your idol loh...haha...
Yesterday, I went for this soirée held in one of the function rooms in school. A soirée is the equivalent of chiong. But yesterday's was special because we were supposed to find our 'family'. At ENPC, we have this programme called the 'parrainage' and it's like the angel and mortal game except that instead of being assigned a specific person as your angel or mortal, we are grouped into families.
Actually, at 8pm yesterday (the soirée started at 8.30), I was still hesitating if I should go for the soirée. I was down with sore throat and wasn't in the mood for socializing. Moreover, I thought it was going to be boring since I still do not know many of my french classmates yet. However, once again, it was in the toilet that I was enlightened. While shitting, I thought that if I were in Singapore, I would have gone for the soirée without second thoughts. And I'm a teacher-to-be, how can I be so anti-social? That was how I came to convince myself that I would go for the soirée.
The 'parrainage' soirée is alike the Sheares' initiation. In the name of obtaining clues to find out who our family members are, we got dumped in water, smeared with flour and dirtied by eggs. But unlike the hall initiation, there was also alcohol going around. In fact, plenty of alcohol.
Before the soirée started, we were each provided with a marker to write our room numbers on the back of our hands just in case anyone gets too drunk and needs help back to his/her room. Pails were strategically placed in the middle and at each corner of the room to facilitate puking. However, they didn't turn out to be too useful as puke still found their way onto the floor.
Anyway, I shan't go into full details of the soirée. Just that I returned at 11plus last night and was sober enough to talk to Yeejia on the phone...but can't remember any of our conversation by this morning=) And I'm glad I went for the soirée because I realise I still very much enjoy stupid orientation games.
Few weeks back, I wrote about Fox and IE. I suggested that both of them should come up with a type of bookmark which can alert you when your bookmarked websites or blogs have been updated. Apparently, fox already has such a type of bookmark and it's called the live bookmark. Guan has my blog on his live bookmark, which means that if I reply to him on my chatterbox, I will also have to blog a new post so that he sees that my blog has been updated and returns to view my reply on the chatterbox. So, guan, if you have missed my previous reply, the offer now is 4.50 for the video. Your Levi's belt is at my place now. It says it will see you in 2 years' time and that it will serve chye's waist faithfully for now. Send me my photos in Manchester and Liverpool asap!
Lastly, for those who haven't seen the ntu library clip yet, go see it here:
It's quite gao xiao...
Bonne weekend à tous!
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